International Background
Banco Nación in the world
Banco de la Nación Argentina conducts its international activity, both commercial and financial, through a network of eleven operational branches in six countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Spain, USA, Paraguay and Uruguay) and a representative office in China, which serve the demands of each market wherein they participate and constitute an essential instrument in the development of international and foreign trade businesses.
This structure satisfies the following basic objectives:
- To support Banco de la Nación Argentina’s business profile, improving and incorporating products that meet the demand of international banking and financial services from our customers;
- To facilitate and promote a higher growth in the Bank’s activity as an instrument for the development of Foreign Trade;
- To sustain and foster the activity abroad of the Argentine exporting sectors through ongoing support and advice as regards their international businesses, supporting their presence in fairs and expositions overseas, specially to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs);
- To consolidate and increase relations with correspondent banks in order to do business and enlarge the sources of resources under competitive terms and prices.
According to geographical location, the network of branches and representative offices abroad is divided in two groups:
Branches located in the United States (New York and Miami) and Spain (Madrid) have a wholesale banking profile with different functions according to the characteristics of each marketplace, which together conform an integrated system for the development of a wide range of international transactions and services.
The profile of these branches is designed, on the one hand, to increase credits aimed at supporting the export of Argentine products, and on the other hand, to obtain financing sources from first-class financial institutions.
Our representative offices deal with the promotion of bilateral commerce between Argentina and the corresponding foreign country. They participate in and support the Argentine commercial missions and give advice on the market, with a view to create businesses for the group and become the Argentine financial benchmark in such foreign country, through the disclosure of services offered by BNA’s network.
South American branches, located in Brazil (Sao Paulo), Uruguay (Montevideo), Paraguay (Asunción, Concepción, Encarnación, Villarrica and Villa Morra), and Bolivia (Santa Cruz de la Sierra), have mainly the purpose of assisting in domestic and intra-regional foreign trade transactions, as a substantial tool for supporting Argentine commercial activity in the region, complemented with an active participation in the promotional aspect of foreign trade in our country, through BNA’s participation in sectorial fairs and expositions in the different countries in the area, thus supporting Argentine businessmen in the development and expansion of their activities in those countries. In this way, the South American network of branches represents a significant instrument for the implementation and integration of business in the MERCOSUR.
In all cases, the personnel of our foreign branches have professional experience in each marketplace and are at the disposal of customers and businessmen dealing in international business in order to give advice on all aspects related to potential businesses they may intend to develop, thus complying with the essential purpose of the Bank as an adequate means for the promotion and development of global financial and commercial activities with the rest of the world.